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near the sea
in the mountains
on a meadow
in the city
Electrical discharge creates countless ions which remove the pollutants from the air
Ions are also created by flowing water, which "charges" due to friction and releases the ions into the air.
Clean air -
made by nature
Before a thunderstorm there is a very high concentration of pollutants in the air - such as dust, bacteria, pollen, chemicals and smoke. The storm triggers electrical discharges and as a result high concentrations of ions are emitted. Ions play an important role in lowering the levels of these air pollutants - thus making the air feel fresher and cleaner.
No chemistry.
No filter.
no magic
Effect only!
Oxygen from the air is activated along the ionization tube and ions are formed.
Particles such as dust, smoke, VOC's, allergens and other air pollutants are attracted to the ions.
The ions bind to certain pollutants with which they come into contact and neutralize them.
Charged particles attract and form clusters that become heavy enough to fall out of the air. Odors and VOCs are broken down.
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_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Ionization
abbeo provides fresh air with Bioclimatic technology, just like nature shows.
Our principle of air purification is comparable to the natural phenomenon. In our devices, the air is treated as if it were under the influence of a cleansing thunderstorm. Charged ions - activated oxygen - bind the pollutants in the space you breathe in - just like nature does. Activated oxygen triggers an oxidation process that chemically changes the odor molecules and germs. New harmless substances are created. Activated oxygen damages the cell structure of mold spores and bacteria, rendering them inactive. The activated air acts as a natural purifier in the room, restoring and balancing indoor air in enclosed environments.
The result - of clean air.